Wednesday, November 11, 2009

11/10/09 & 11/11/09 - Jeff

Since I am working for Chimney right now I was able to work from home today so rather than waiting until 7 or 8 tonight to run I ran this morning. I was pretty tired, but I'm guessing that's because I'm not used to running in the morning and I had also gone running last night (less than 12 hours before)...I know I'm weak. I ran my favorite 6 mile loop both last night and this morning. I've been trying to not look at my watch as I hit the mile marks and just run how my body feels, but I don't know if that is a good or bad idea. I actually had some decent mile averages for the 2 runs. Here they are....

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Challenger Park 6 Mile Loop
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 - 7:07 PM
Intensity: Easy
Mile 1 - 6:29
Mile 2 - 6:28
Mile 3 - 6:28
Mile 4 - 6:41
Mile 5 - 6:53
Mile 6 - 6:35
Average - 6:36
Average HR - 160 BPM
Distance - 6.02 miles
Overall Time - 39:44 (3 seconds faster than Monday)

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Challenger Park 6 Mile Loop
Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2009 - 7:06 AM
Intensity: Medium
Mile 1 - 6:26
Mile 2 - 6:20
Mile 3 - 6:25
Mile 4 - 6:45
Mile 5 - 6:55
Mile 6 - 6:33
Average - 6:34
Average HR - 167 BPM
Distance - 6.01 miles
Overall Time - 39:29

So I have run almost identical runs Mon, Tue & Wed. My mile pace has been within 3 seconds of each other for the 3 runs. One thing that I have noticed is that my HR is definitely different and I have felt the difference on the runs. My Wednesday morning run was 10 BPM more than my Monday run and I felt like my body was working harder this morning. So even though my pace wasn't much faster than Monday I do feel like I pushed my body harder. I still haven't really looked into HR zones, but I think it's fun to track. Also, not sure what this means, but this morning after my run my watch told me that my recovery heart rate is 94 BPM. I think it has something to do with how long it takes you to recover after a workout.


  1. I ordered my HR monitor on Sunday...hopefully it will ship soon.

  2. Oh and you are getting faster. Nice Job
