Saturday, October 31, 2009

BRICK, ran 12m in the AM, Biked 27m in the PM, Awesome

Ran with Debbie, Cheryl, Cheris, me, Michelle and Julie, thank you Julie for the costume. We also ran with Eric, he took the picture, Thanks
Garmin Connect - Activity Details for First ride to Rose Canyon
Went on a little bike ride this afternoon, around 55 degrees, I should have worn long sleeves, great ride with Ken and Michelle Margetts. Went up to Rose Canyon, I've never been there before, it is nice climb 1200 ft. But it was a fun ride down. My legs were tired at the end after my BRICK, ran 12miles this morning in my Jailbird outfit, it was fun and pretty easy around a 9:00 pace. All in all a great day, I'm sure glad we don't have the snow like Denver, we will have it soon enough. Who knows maybe we can get another bike ride in this year still.

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