Tuesday, October 27, 2009

10/26/09 - Jeff

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Motsenbocker Loop

Date: Monday October 26, 2009 - 7:39 PM
Intensity: EASY
Mile 1 - 6:32
Mile 2 - 6:40
Mile 3 - 6:42
Mile 4 - 6:49
Mile 5 - 6:52
Mile 6 - 7:20
Mile .44 - 3:04
Average - 6:50
Distance - 6.44 miles
Overall Time - 44:02

We were up chillin at Lindsey's house with Mom last night so I did a loop up around her house....although, I did end up running past my house. I went easy and felt pretty good. I am liking my new shoes and my calf is no longer hurting....knock on wood. We are supposed to get some pretty nasty weather tonight, but hopefully I'll be able to get a run in before it hits.

I LOVE the new watch and feel like a new man when I run with it (thanks Pops). I also bought a heart rate monitor yesterday. I bought the upgraded version because I wanted to make sure that it was waterproof. I'm going to start doing some research on how to find your HR Zones and how to train in the zones. I'm also posting my old watch on ebay today so I can start my savings for the spinner.

1 comment:

  1. Nice run. I wish we lived next to each other so we could have a training partner. Sometimes it just sucks to go alone
