Wednesday, October 28, 2009

10/28/2009 - Ryan

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Rosecreek Loop

Date: Wednesday October 28, 2009 - 5:30 PM
Intensity: Easy - 35 Degrees 12-15 mph Wind
Mile 1 - 6:57
Mile 2 - 6:39
Mile 3 - 6:38
Mile 4 - 6:19
Mile 5 - 6:27
Mile .34 - 2:11
Average - 6:35
Distance - 5.34 miles
Overall Time - 35:14

So I felt pretty good today. My first mile is always so slow. I was pushing it a little bit because I wanted in under 7:00, kind of pathetic that I have to push it to go under 7:00, but I made it so I was happy. My hamstrings seem to get tight in the cold. I noticed it last night and today, after I warm up they loosen a little but they are still tight. Anyway, it was an uneventful run, cold and a bit windy but I felt good.

Oh and you don't have to worry about me getting the swine flu today. We did our last visit and got paid $ ya. In another 9 months we'll get another $660 but the bulk came today. So we are swine free in this family!

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