Friday, October 23, 2009

10/23/2009 - Ryan

Oh Snap, Two training posts in a row. Boom Roasted, Ladies. I rode my bike to work today. It was nice, a southern cross wind and a bit cold but a nice ride. It was 45 degrees when I left my house. I wore a hat and some gloves and a long sleeve shirt. The only thing that got cold on me was my toes by about mile 8-9. Weird, but it wasn't as cold as I thought it would be. Here's the stats. I'll post the Garmin Connect stats when I get home. I am writing from work. Yes I work very hard. I'll have another post tonight for my ride home. Step it up fools and quit partying in Parker!

Date: Wednesday October 23, 2009 - 8:35 AM
Intensity: MODERATE
Mile 1 - 2:56
Mile 2 - 2:21
Mile 3 - 2:31
Mile 4 - 3:01
Mile 5 - 3:36 (Oquirrh Temple Hill)
Mile 6 - 2:27
Mile 7 - 2:42
Mile 8 - 2:16
Mile 9 - 2:43
Mile 10 - 2:24
.83 Mile - 3:35
Avg - 21.2 MPH
Distance - 10.83miles
Overall Time - 30:38

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