Thursday, October 22, 2009

10/21/09 - Jeff

Bout time someone else makes a training post. I finally decided to change up my run last night. Instead of my normal 6 miler I went for a little over 4 miles to get my legs loose and break in my new shoes. The only problem was I had to run in this...

As you can see we've got some pretty poopy weather, but I forced myself out. Here were my stats.

Date: Wednesday October 21, 2009 - 7:50 PM
Intensity: EASY
Mile 1 - 7:01
Mile 2 - 7:13
Mile 3 - 6:40
Mile 4 - 6:56
Mile .37 - 2:28
Average - 6:56
Distance - 4.37 miles
Overall Time - 30:20

I did my loop up around Lindsey's house so the first couple of miles were up hill and the last 2 were down hill. I actually liked finishing downhill rather than uphill. All in all it was a good chilly run.

Hey Ryan.....STEP YOUR GAME yes I may be the only human that runs in Nike trainers, but at least I'm training. Boom Roasted.

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