Wednesday, October 21, 2009

10/20/09 - Jeff

Alright slackers, this is turning into Jeff's training log. Let's see what you've been up too.

Last night I went on my usual 6 mile loop. I know, I know, I should find another course to run, but I like knowing it is exactly 6 miles. I was going to go biking but it was raining pretty good so I decided to just go for an easy run. I ran right around the pace I wanted, so it was nice.

Date: Tuesday October 20, 2009 - 6:11 PM
Intensity: EASY
Mile 1 - 6:38
Mile 2 - 6:40
Mile 3 - 6:55
Mile 4 - 7:15
Mile 5 - 7:26
Mile 6 - 7:10
Average - 7:01
Distance - 6.02 miles
Overall Time - 42:13

I wanted to keep it at 7 min pace so I was right there. However, I was kind retarded and had eaten a full dinner at about 5:45 after I got home from work. Then I thought, I should go get my running done with'll be good training on a full stomach. It'll be like eating in the Ironman. I was wrong. I had a massive side-ache for the first mile and a half and then from mile 3 to 6 I felt like I was going to puke out my chicken and rice dinner. But on the bright side, I was done running before seven so my night wasn't shot. Also, my calf was tight, but it didn't hurt nearly as bad as it had on Monday. I just hope my shoes get here quick. What did you do?

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