Monday, November 2, 2009

11/31/09 - Jeff

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Challenger Park 5.5 Mile Loop

Well Saturday I actually got out for a little run. The snow is still here, but the sidewalks are starting to melt and the river trail was actually plowed by the city so that made it nice. The weather has been back in the mid 60's so it was perfect temp for a run.

I was planning on just going easy since I hadn't run since Tuesday and I felt pretty good. It probably turned into a medium run, but I still felt good and my legs felt nice. Here were my miles.

Date: Saturday October 31, 2009 - 2:11 PM
Intensity: Medium
Mile 1 - 6:21
Mile 2 - 6:03
Mile 3 - 6:19
Mile 4 - 6:37
Mile 5 - 7:04
Mile .58 - 3:46
Average - 6:29
Distance - 5.58 miles
Overall Time - 36:12

Well as you can see I started off pretty quick...oops. I didn't actually look at my watch until Mile 2 and realized I was going a bit faster than I thought. Granted it was downhill, I thought I was closer to 6:30 and not 6:00. All in all it was a good run. I am hoping to get my heart rate monitor today and then I can start tracking that which will be nice. I still haven't figured out how to find my HR zones and if they are the same for running, biking & swimming so that is my project this week during my downtime at work.

Oh and if any of you are looking for a sweet watch there is one here that I found on ebay that you can bid on.....check it out.

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