Thursday, October 22, 2009

Finally some training - Ryan

So I got sort of motivated and went out for a run tonight. It was a bit cool but nice. I just feel so stinking slow and my times confirm what I am feeling. I did a little loop around my house and it was just over 5 miles.

Date: Wednesday October 22, 2009 - 9:02 PM
Intensity: EASY, but hard
Mile 1 - 7:09
Mile 2 - 7:11
Mile 3 - 7:11
Mile 4 - 6:39
Mile 5 - 6:49
.26 - 1:45
Avg - 7:00
Distance - 5.26 miles
Overall Time - 36:46

Here is a link to Garmin Connect for this run....maybe it will work

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