Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Copper Creek Loop
Date: Tuesday October 27, 2009 - 8:00 PM
Intensity: EASY 27 Degrees, Blizzard/Snow
Mile 1 - 7:03
Mile 2 - 6:51
Mile 3 - 6:45
Mile 4 - 6:40
Mile 5 - 6:46
Mile 6 - 7:18
Mile 7 - 7:16
Mile .11 - :48
Average - 6:57
Distance - 7.11 miles
Overall Time - 49:31
So I finally went out for a run with my new 310XT. It was the bomb! I was stuck trying to fix our minivan mirror last night so I didn't get out for a run, but I made it tonight. I felt pretty good considering it is 27 degrees outside and the first 2 miles I was running in a major blizzard. I had a run in with a stupid driver too. Some lady was making a right turn out of the Chevron by my house and of course wasn't looking right. Well I whistled at her and she still didn't stop so I ran behind her and wacked the back of her car and just kept running. Well I looked back and she had pulled over and was getting our of her car. I kept running and looked back again and she was at the back end of her car looking around. I don't think she knew I was the one that hit her car. It was pretty funny. That's what she gets for not paying attention and talking on her cell phone. Other than that it was an uneventful run. It was pretty cold and the last two miles I was running into a head wind. I ran the little bike path by our house to get over 7 miles. Well ladies, until tomorrow.
Nice Run. It looks like you got the weather that we are getting today. We are supposed to get between 12 and 18 inches by tomorrow night. We've probably got about 3 or 4 right now and it is coming down pretty good. I don't think I'll be able to make it out today, but we'll see. Luckily I'm working from home so if it lets up I can go anytime. The problem is that it is totally sticking to everything so the streets and sidewalks have 3 or 4 inches of super wet snow.