Monday, October 26, 2009

Galloping Goose 10K

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Galloping Goose 10K

Here's the link to my race. As you will notice Dad cut some corners a little short as I ran .02 longer than him. Before the race started I was hoping to be able to run a sub 36 min 10k. As you can see that was wishful thinking. I only had 1 mile sub 6 and the others were a lot closer to 6:30. It was a pretty slow course in general because of the soft gravel trail. I started getting a side-ache towards the end, but I'm guessing that's just because I'm weak sauce right now. On my Monday run of last week I averaged 6:24 miles so I thought for sure I'd be able to average something quicker than that. Fortunately I did, unfortunately it was only 1 second faster for an average of 6:23. Anyway, here were my splits.

Mile 1 - 5:55
Mile 2 - 6:12
Mile 3 - 6:27
Mile 4 - 6:38
Mile 5 - 6:33
Mile 6 - 6:37
Mile .29 - 1:48
Total - 40:14
Average - 6:23

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