Friday, October 23, 2009

10/23/2009 - Part Duex - Ryan

So, here are the times from my ride home. I got stopped at every light and its a slow gradual climb practically the whole way. I've been down aroung 32 minutes on the ride home but today was slow.

Date: Wednesday October 23, 2009 - 8:35 AM
Intensity: MODERATE
Mile 1 - 3:00
Mile 2 - 3:36
Mile 3 - 3:27
Mile 4 - 2:15
Mile 5 - 2:43
Mile 6 - 3:04
Mile 7 - 3:43
Mile 8 - 3:40
Mile 9 - 3:39
Mile 10 - 3:45
.83 Mile - 3:00
Avg - 18 MPH
Distance - 10.83 miles
Overall Time - 35:58

Garmin Link

1 comment:

  1. Today was an off, eat all the bad food day. I did nothing. Tomorrow is the race.
