The Tanners

Full House (Alamo Square)

As I ran past the Tanner's house this morning, I couldn't help but think of Whitney and all the good laughs that the Tanner's gave us for so many years. Since I was in the neighborhood, I decided to stopped by to see how everyone was doing.
It was nice to catch up with Danny and all the kids. I couldn't believe how grown up Michelle was....although she looked skinnier now than she did on the show. Joey of course was cracking jokes left and right. I wasn't able to talk with DJ because she was out hangin with Kimmy Gibler. Stephanie was a little upset because she wasn't invited to go, but she got over it. Of course Jesse was downstairs in the basement saying "Have Mercy" over and over again.
Unfortunately I had to get back to my run so I wasn't able to stay for lunch, but they wanted me to tell Whitney hi. So Whitney, the gang says "Hi, and thanks for being the only person to still watch re-runs of our show!!"
After my star studded stop, I ran past the Trans American Tower and called it a day.

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Alamo Square & The Trans American Tower
Date: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 - 6:32 AM
Intensity: Easy
Mile 1 - 6:29
Mile 2 - 6:58
Mile 3 - 7:12
Mile 4 - 7:10
Mile 5 - 7:41
Mile 6 - 6:50
Average - 7:03
Average HR - 166 BPM
Distance - 6.01 miles
Overall Time - 42:26
that was the funniest thing i have ever read. loved it. especially uncle jessie in the basement hollaring have mercy!!!
Great post, too bad katie and bailee with still catch an old episode every once in a while