Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Untitled
This morning I was in charge of out BBK group. I have attached the MapMyRun link, We ran around the library. I ran our warm up (3 miles) with Walter Brown a 2:30’s marathon runner. Our first mile was 8:56, them 8:05 and then 7:16. That will be the last I run with Walter. It was fun and I finished with a 8:14 ave. for 10 miles. I felt pretty strong for the entire run, so the 5K this weekend will be fun. I want to get a base 5K time. My 10K was established last week in Denver at 7:24/ave for a 47:00 time.
I have also attached the summary of the IM STG from Coach Keena, I loved the responses from the boys, oh I mean the Studmuffin Ironmen Ryan, and Jeff.
Dad wrote:
This is a trainer from Timp Tri Club, I wish at times I could join her classes in AF. Good advise.
Ryan Bullock wrote:
OK, I just threw up in my mouth…we are screwed
Jeff Said
I'm going to have to agree with Ryan here. I'm screwed. I saw nothing in her description referring to working 70 hour workweeks while training....did I miss something?
TIPS for TRAINING! SIX months to the day for Ironman St. George GET TRAINING!!
I spent the weekend down in St. George (still here actually), and went and
rode the IM St. George course again. In the course of my ride I made
several mental notes I would pass these thoughts along #1: GET ON YOUR BIKE NOW! You absolutely, positively need to be able to ride for a minimum of 3 hours comfortably just to be able to have a successful first outing at our training camp being held in January 15-18th. It took me just under 2 1/2 hours to ride ONE loop of the VEYO portion of the course. This is NOT a flat ride!! The road is also VERY rough with rock chip and, it is going to beat you up a bit until you learn to relax into your aero bars (still take a beating, but not as bad).
#2: GET RUNNING NOW! You also absolutely, positively need to be able to run 1 1/2-2 hours non-stop (with lots of hill climbing) by January. Don't just jog the easy flat stuff. Go up in the mountains, climb hills (even if you are walking you will greatly benefit)! You don't need to be in the high heart rate zones, but you need to improve your Muscular Endurance and be comfortable with a lot of uphill efforts.
#3: #3 GET STRENGTH TRAINING NOW! You need to be strengthening your legs and getting some really solid hill climbing into your body for this ride and run to be enjoyable! If you do not have a bike trainer, I would highly recommend investing in one you need to be riding right now! The course down here in St. George is not ALL steep, but it is a lot of gradual uphill with some sections that are downright STEEP and Challenging! Same goes for the run. It is HILLY! And, you are going to be doing it on VERY fatigued legs. SO...get training now to get your legs as tough and indestructable as you can. You do get some downhill, but even that is not really relaxing because it undulates and when you are going down you are still holding quite a bit of tension in your shoulders… work on some techniques to keep your shoulders, legs and back loose and relaxed.
Make sure you are doing your strength training Squats, lunges, abs, etc. are going to very essential. Making your legs TOUGH! (read, hill climbing followed by more lunges, squates, jumps, etc....we LOVE it!!)
You also need to work on a LOT of mental training to prepare you for your race success.
#4: Stay LEAN! You will be very happy to be carrying as little extra luggage on your body frame as possible during your time on this EAT...but eat wisely! Every time you eat, ask yourself how much good (or bad) this food is doing for you on both a structural, and functional level! Think like an ATHLETE and treat your body as the amazing organism and gift it is! Protein, complex carbs, tons of fresh veggies, salads, fruits, and water.
#5 THE KEY HERE IS: You've gotta be putting in the time NOW so that when it comes time to get out on the course, you are prepared and have a really productive, positive and beneficial weekend of training down here in St. George
Now, throw out that Halloween candy and get training!
Coach Keena Schaerrer